30 August 2024
News from Miss Smith
Key Dates
DECYP Values
Families Satisfaction Survey 2024 – Invitation
Kinder to Year 10 Assembly
Daffodil Day
Year 1-2 Potato Olympics Update!
Year 7 English
Year 9 English
Cows Create Careers
Year 11-12 Certificate II in Agriculture
Year 11-12 Certificate II in Animal Care
Launching into Learning – Tiny Taters Playgroup
School Food Matters
Premier’s Reading Challenge
Learning Club
Library News
Burnie City Council Immunisation Catch-up Clinic
Community Notices
News from Miss Smith

Congratulations to all students, staff and families for the extra effort that you put into Book Week activities. Special highlights included the Book Parade, Book Week Activities in Takone Hall and the Book Week Door Competition. Congratulations to the Year 1-2 class who won the door competition, with a honourable mention to the Year 5/6 class and the Y8-10 Maths/Science classes. It was magical to see the team spirit grow as classroom doors developed.
Reading is Magic!!

Over the next three weeks students, staff and families will be asked to take part in the Annual Wellbeing Surveys. Families and staff will receive and email asking them to participate, please complete this survey. The data that we gain from the surveys help us with future planning.
I’d like to remind everyone that at Yolla District School the expectations are that all students, staff and visitors will show respect for each other, take responsibility for their choices and actions. Students are not able to use their mobile phones between 9am and 3pm as per the Statewide policy. Verbal abuse of another person, student or adult will not be acceptable and students will be removed from learning spaces.
Staffing News
- The Year 11/12 VET teaching position was recently advertised, and we hope to have a new staff member working in this space by the end of September.
- A permanent Advanced Skills Teacher Leadership position has also been advertised, with a new AST to start in Term 4.
- This week we welcome back Katie O’Rourke, Teacher Assistant, who will be working part-time for the remainder of Term 3.

Mobile Phones – Off and Away All Day
The Department for Education, Children and Young People does not permit the use of mobile phones by students in Tasmanian Government Schools.
Key Dates
Friday 30 August | Father’s Day Stall |
Friday 30 August | Year 9-10 Outdoor Education POSTPONED |
Friday 30 August | Year 7-10 Agriculture Excursion |
Thursday 5 September | Year 11-12 Agriculture ATV Training (Group 1) |
Friday 6 September | Year 7-10 Agriculture Excursion |
Friday 6 September | CANTEEN DAY |
Monday 9 September | Year 10 Hellyer Course selection |
Monday 9 September | Year 11-12 Animal Care ATV Training (Group 1) |
Tuesday 10 September | Year 11-12 Agriculture ATV Training (Group 2) |
Wednesday 11 September | Year 11-12 Animal Care ATV Training (Group 2) |
Thursday 12 September | Year 7-10 Agriculture Excursion |
Wednesday 25 September | K-10 School Assembly 9:30 am |
Friday 27 September | FOOTY COLOURS DAY |
Friday 27 September | CANTEEN DAY – Pie and Saveloy Day |
Friday 27 September | Last Day of Term 3 |
Monday 14 October | First Day of Term 4 |
Tuesday 29 – Thursday 31 October | Oral Health – Fissure Sealant Program |
Friday 1 November | Professional Learning Day (Students do not attend) |
Monday 4 November | Recreation Day – Northern Tasmania Public Holiday |
Tuesday 5 – Thursday 7 November | External School Review – Families will be invited to participate. |
Monday 25 November | Year 10 ATV (Group 1) |
Tuesday 26 November | Children’s University Graduation |
Wednesday 27 November | Year 10 ATV (Group 2) |
Thursday 28 November | Year 10 Celebration Dinner |
Friday 29 – Saturday 30 November | Circular Head Show |
Thursday 5 December | Year 6 Orientation Day for 2025 |
Thursday 5 December | Year 10 Orientation Day for 2025 |
Friday 13 December | School Picnic |
Tuesday 17 December | Celebration Assembly – 10am |
DECYP Values

Connection – building positive relationships and a sense of belonging.
Courage – accepting challenges and embracing opportunities.
Growth – aspiring to learn, and improving, even when it’s hard.
Respect – caring for ourselves, each other, and our environment.
Responsibility – stepping up and doing what’s right.
Families Satisfaction Survey 2024 – Invitation

Kinder to Year 10 Assembly

Daffodil Day
On Thursday 22 August, School Captains organised a wear something yellow for Daffodil Day. It was great to see students and staff supporting the day. Thank you to Hands on Learning Cafe for making biscuits and lemonade to sell during recess. Kaitlyn and Morgan also donated their time to help run the Daffodil Stall in Somerset for the Cancer Council. We raised $275.

Year 1-2 Potato Olympics Update!
Over 2 weeks our potato athletes competed in 4 sporting events: distance rolling, diving, gymnastics, and breakdancing. All athletes tried their hardest and performed well at all events.
The Potato Olympics was a lot of fun and gave us all a chance to practice measuring in different ways and learn life skills such as sportsmanship, supporting others, winning and losing with grace, teamwork, and patience.
Congratulations to all students and athletes!
Potato Olympics

Year 7 English
In Year 7 English we began with a novel study with the focus on reading and comprehension. We then worked on a major project that involved students choosing different types of writing on a topic of their own choosing. Following this, we composed PowerPoints that used pictures to tell a story. Now we have another major project called “My Island” where they create an island, trace its development with new names for every aspect of life on the island, build their island and develop a travel brochure that attracts tourists to their island.
Year 9 English
Students in Year 9 have enjoyed studying advertising where they had to sell an unsellable product and video the whole event. They also have studied poetry in a different way by using certain poetic techniques and modernising an existing song, writing the new lyrics and video their singing.
At present we are studying crime and crime fiction exploring all aspects of crime detection, crime solutions and using evidence plus a court case to be videoed this term. The beginning of nearly every lesson is reading a cloze passage and filling in the blanks. The cloze passages are from well known books so that the class is being exposed to a range of novel starters and ways of writing.
Have you seen our artwork in the Dixon’s Pharmacy window?

Cows Create Careers
Yolla District students began their 2024 Cows Create Careers program with the delivery of two calves kindly supplied by Rebekah Frankcombe. Students from our high school option classes, together with the Year 5/6 class, have been busy tidying up and getting everything ready. The Year 5-6 class are undertaking the light cream curriculum of activities. They are excited to feed and care for the calves, engage in collaborative learning, and broaden their knowledge of agriculture as they explore the dairy industry. Students in the two Year 11-12 certificate classes are supporting their younger peers with animal husbandry duties.

Year 11-12 Certificate II in Agriculture
This term as part of the Participate in Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices, the Year 11-12 Agriculture class planted native plants including Blackwood, Bottlebrush, Tea Tree and Paperbark on the boundary of Lehman 2 paddock. The new plants will give protection from soil erosion, trap water, provide a windbreak for our livestock and create a habitat for our Riparian and livestock. The plants were kindly donated by Landcare Australia. They also erected a three wire electric fence to stop livestock entering the creek/area and to protect the growing trees.

Year 11-12 Certificate II in Animal Care
Our Year 11-12 Animal Care students got to show the Year 1-2 class the animals they look after throughout the year. The Year 1-2 students got to experience how to handle guinea pigs, brush the mini goats and bottle feed a lamb. The also looked at the aviary birds and chickens. Randall, one of the sulphur crested cockatoos, made sure he was not overlooked, screeching very loudly most of the time.
After the visit, the Certificate II in Animal Care class helped the younger students write about what they had learned.
It was great to see our older students sharing their knowledge and helping the younger students out!
Year 11-12 Sharing their Knowledge

Launching into Learning – Tiny Taters Playgroup
Have you visited our Launching into Learning sessions yet? Our playgroup session starts in our Kinder space where children can enjoy various indoor and outdoor activities. We then move to the library to visit Susie, borrow books, listen to a story, and sing songs. Families with children aged 0-5 are most welcome to join us on Mondays at 9 am in the Kinder room.

School Food Matters

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Congratulations to all students in Kinder to Year 6.
Final house scores are WARATAH 545 and WATTLE 367
A great effort by everyone with some students managing to read over 50 books.
All participating students will receive a free book and a Premier’s Reading Challenge certificate.

Learning Club
In Term 3 and 4 The Smith Family will be running a (STEM) Learning Club at Yolla District School. Learning Club will be held after school on Tuesdays from 3pm-4pm in the STEM room for students in Years 3-6. If you are interested, enrolment forms can be collected from the school office or please contact the program coordinator, Eddy Costello on 0421 897 014 or email ed.costello@thesmithfamily.com.au.

Library News

Did you know that students in Years 7-12 can borrow a device or internet hotspot to take home for up to four weeks? Students can request to borrow a device or internet hotspot from the library to work on an assignment, research a topic of interest or complete an application online. If you do not want your child to be able to loan a device or internet hotspot, please contact the Yolla District School Office.
Burnie City Council Immunisation Catch-up Clinic
Did your child miss their year 7 or 10 school immunisations?
If your child is aged between 12 and 19 they may be eligible for a free catch up vaccine.
Burnie City Council are running an Immunisation Catch-up clinic for high school students.
Year 7 Catch up Vaccines
Gardasil 9 – Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Boostrix – Diptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
Year 10 Catch-up Vaccine
Nimenrix – Meningococcal ACWY
Please note if you child was vaccinated before the age of 14, they require an additional dose as per the National Immunisation Program.
School Immunisation Catch-up Clinic
Date: Tuesday 08 October 2024
Time: 12:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: Burnie Sports Centre – Southwell Street UPPER BURNIE TAS 7320
Booking is essential and can be made by the following link or scanning the QR Code.

Please contact Burnie City Councils Environmental Health Team on 6430 5700 or eho@burnie.tas.gov.au if you are unsure if your child is eligible.
Community Notices
Electrical Safety Week Competition for Kinder -Year 6

Little Athletics - Come and Try

7UP Youth Centre

RHEE TAEKWON-DO – The Family Martial Art

Wynyard Squash Club Junior Clinics

Tulip Festival – Drive-in Movies

Kids on the Cape Fun Run

Rock Drop

Burnie Ten